Should I tip my SitByer Companion?

Tipping is generally a personal decision and while there may not be a strict expectation to tip a companion, it can be a gesture of appreciation for exceptional service or to acknowledge their efforts.

If you feel that your companion has provided exceptional care, gone above and beyond their duties, or made a significant positive impact on your experience, you might consider tipping as a way to show gratitude. That said, if you’d like to offer them a tip, you’re perfectly welcome to send them an appreciation card of any value! Just know that it’s never expected or required.

When deciding whether to tip and the amount, you can consider factors such as the duration and intensity of the services provided, the quality of care, your overall satisfaction, and your budget.

Ultimately, tipping is a discretionary act, and if you choose not to tip, expressing your appreciation verbally or providing a written testimonial/review can also be a meaningful way to acknowledge the companion’s efforts and dedication

Want to show your SitByer companion how much you appreciate them? Leave them a great review on SitByCare. Reviews are easy to write and help them grow their business.


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