How to Plan Fun Activities for Your Health Sitting Session

As a SitByCare health sitter, it’s best to start each session with a plan. Otherwise, you may find that you fall back on doing the same activity repeatedly during your health sitting sessions, which can become routine. Each session should feel inspired, which is why we’re providing a range of ideas to help you make the most of each session with the companion you’re matched to. SitByCare wants each patient to receive the best possible care and companionship. You have the chance to create a special and unique experience for your companion. Below are some tips to help you plan activities for your next health sitting session:

Get to Know Your Companion

Would you like it if you had plans with a friend and they assumed you wanted to do something you didn’t? Probably not—and the same goes for companions. It’s important to ask questions and take the time to explore their interests, likes and dislikes. Maybe there is a hobby they enjoy doing and if they stopped because of a condition, think of ways to alter, or modify it as a creative solution. 

Get Creative

The imagination is a powerful tool. Especially if companions have limited mobility. Can you create a story together? How about starting a niche film club? There are many ways for companions to participate despite physical impairments that don’t include card games or puzzles. Additionally, having a creative connection will deepen your relationship and enhance each health sitting session.  

Explore the Outdoors

If mobility is not an issue, get outside! Nature is a fantastic environment to help energize your health sitting session. Whether it’s doing some gardening together, picking flowers to dry and press, going for a walk or leading a meditation in a quiet setting, there are many outdoor possibilities to keep each meeting fresh and different.

Get Feedback

After each session, talk to your companion about the highs and lows of your time together. What parts excited them? What could have been improved? When you consistently ask for feedback, it shows that you care about your time together and that effort can make all the difference to your companion. It also serves to help you become an even better health sitter.

Connection and happiness are at the core of each health sitter and companion relationship. By taking the time to get to know and understand one another, making room for creativity, and checking in, you will make a difference in someone else’s life and deepen your own capacity for compassion and empathy.