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Companionship leads to faster recovery!

SitByCare is a health sitter service created to bring companionship to people in medical and care facilities.

To get matched with a qualified health companion today, sign up and search for a sitter below

Companionship leads
to faster recovery!

SitByCare is a service created to bring
companionship to people in medical and care facilities.
To get matched with a qualified health companion,
sign up and search for a companion today!

SitByCare Privacy Badges

SitByCare: a new way to connect

SitByCare is 100% dedicated to health sitting, with all of our health sitters screened and verified to ensure you or a loved one receives the best care possible keeping their safety, privacy & trust in mind.
SitByCare health sitters also bring the fun and joy into companionship. Experience the power of companionship through SitByCare.

SitByCare Health Match Icon


Connect with someone who shares your interests, speaks your language, and has experience with specific medical conditions if you need.

SitByCare Founded Icon


Real life experiences make the best stories that deserve to be shared. SitByCare is one of them.

SitByCare Healing Icon


Positive social interactions & connections can help people experience faster recovery times.

Sign up now and get your

one hour of sitter service for FREE!

(Minimum 2-hour booking)

Find a companion for your loved one today!​

Get Matched!

The SitByCare app makes it easy to get matched to a health sitter for personalized companionship along with keeping your information private!

Sitters for patients in the hospitals

Privacy our top


Patients decide as, when &
with whom to share

All private info is locked
from public viewing.

Sitters for patients in the hospitals

Privacy our top

Patients decide as, when
& with whom
to share information

All private info locked!

Get matched to
a health sitter

The SitByCare app makes it easy to get matched to a health sitter for personalized companionship along with keeping your information private!



Detailed profiles,
rating & reviews,
testimonials &
background check.

sitters for nursing home patients

Trust and safety is
our top concern!

SitByCare always puts safety first. The well-being of our patients and companion seekers come before anything else. All SitByCare app communications are monitored for your safety. Here’s what we’re doing to help keep you and your loved ones protected.

sitters for nursing home patients


Detailed profiles,
rating & reviews,
testimonials &
background check.

Trust and safety is
our top concern!

SitByCare always puts safety first. The well-being of our patients and companion seekers come before anything else. All SitByCare app communications are monitored for your safety. Here’s what we’re doing to help keep you and your loved ones protected.

We treat your family like our own bringing them joy & companionship!

When commitments like work, traveling, and childcare keep you from visiting a loved one in a medical or care facility,
SitByCare health sitters are here to provide hourly and overnight personalized companionship on your behalf.

SitByCare health sitters provide connection and companionship.
A SitByCare health sitter is not a substitute for a healthcare professional.
They do not perform, assist or intervene with medication or medical care needs.

Find a companion for your loved one today!​

Calling all patients & companion seekers !

You can sign up NOW to get matched to heath sitters in local medical and care facilities. SitByCare is growing and will be in your area soon.

Companions now available in:

Get one hour of free companionship for yourself or a loved one

We care to hear from you!

We’re committed to providing services you can always count on. If you or a loved one has received companionship through SitByCare, please share your health sitting experience! We’re always looking for ways to improve your journey with us & have an impactful experience.