Can I make last-minute changes to an upcoming SitByCare On booking?

At this time, it isn’t possible to edit the date, time, or care instructions for a confirmed SitByCare booking. However, we’ve got some workarounds you can follow to ensure that your request includes all of your needs! Check out the tips below.

Including last-minute notes for your SiyByer Companion

Need to add a few more details about your upcoming booking? Follow up with your SitByer Companion directly via SitByCare Messages and add any additional notes that weren’t included at the time of your request.

Changing the date and/or time of your booking

To change the date or start time of your booking, contact your SitByer Companion to see if they’re available for the adjusted date and time. If they are, contact SitByCare Support and we’ll update the booking for you.

If your SitByer Companion is unavailable for the new dates, submit a cancellation request. Once you cancel your current booking, create a new request for the new date and time. Some last minute cancellation charges may apply!