What do response rate & response time mean?

When clients discover your profile via search and select Quick View they’ll see several statistics that provide at-a-glance info about your response rate and response time. Improving these statistics can put your clients’ minds at ease and encourage them to contact you.

What the numbers tell your clients:

Response rate measures how often you respond to requests within 24 hours.

  • This number is based on your 10 most recent requests. For example, a 100% response rate means that you’ve responded within 24 hours to each of your last 10 requests.
  • Always responding within 24 hours will keep your response rate high, but you’re more than twice as likely to book the stay if you respond to requests within an hour of receiving them.
  • Note: As a Health Sitter, you may occasionally get duplicate requests from the same client. Be sure to respond to all requests–duplicate requests contribute to your response rate too.

Response time measures how quickly, on average, you respond to new requests.

  • This number is based on your 10 most recent requests.
  • Responding within 15 minutes of receiving requests is a great way to improve this stat. If you haven’t already, enable text message notifications to reply faster than ever.


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